Informational Papers
Here are topic-related documents to provide the Legislature with in-depth information on special budget-related topics. LFD strives to keep these documents up-to-date. Please contact our office if you have any questions.Select a Paper:
A Citizen's Guide to K12 - A comprehensive document
on Alaska's educational K-12 funding, including the organization
of school districts and funding formulas (updated August 10, 2023).
Pittman-Robertson Funds - An introduction to federal funds
received under the Wildlife Restoration Act (updated March 4, 2021).
Dingell-Johnson Federal Sport Fish Restoration Act - Federal excise
tax receipts that are used for sport fish management and habitat restoration.
Alaska's Public Retirement Systems - An overview of Alaska's
State retirement systems, including an introduction to unfunded liability.
Local Government in Alaska - A collaboration between the
Legislative Finance and Legislative Research Divisions that
provides a primer on local government in Alaska.
Community Assistance Program - An in-depth paper written
by both Legislative Research and LFD on the Community Assistance
Program, which includes its history, funding and budget implications.
Community Assistance Program - A summarized document on
the Community Assistance Program with budget implications only (updated January 2023).
Medicaid FAQs - Frequently asked questions
and answers about Alaska's Medicaid program.
Positions, Vacancy Factors and Legislative Control -
Detailed information on how positions and vacancy factors affect
the budget.